CETG Programme for 2019
Mon 14th January
Members Social Evening
Mon 11th February
“A Stitch in Time” by Richard McVetis
Richard’s work reflects a preoccupation with the repetitive nature of process, exploring the subtle differences that emerge through ritualistic and habitual making. The pieces created explore how objects, materials and places, through the action of hands, bear witness to the passing of time.
Read about Richard's talk on the evening - and view images of his work.
Mon 11th March
“Contrasting Elements” by Jae Maries
By exploring the element of contrast, the embroiderer can bring an extra dynamism into her work. The imaginative use of colour, a contrast of techniques and materials can introduce an element of surprise and frisson to a piece of work. This talk looks at textile artists whose work introduces contrasts for extra impact and refers to Jae’s book ‘Contrasting Elements’.
Read about Jae's talk on the evening - and view images of the work she brought with her.
Mon 8th April
“Textile Travel Adventures” by Mary Gamester
When our planned speaker (Nancy Nicholson) had to cancel, Mary kindly stepped in to give a wonderful talk on the textiles she has brought back from her travels to Uzbekistan, India and Austria. She also shared pieces of her own colourful work and what she used as her inspiration.
Read about Mary's talk on the evening - and view images of objects and pieces of her textile art that she shared with us.
Mon 13th May
“It Started with a Little Bit of Cross-stitch” by Loetitia Gibier
Loetitia is a hand embroidery specialist. Stumpwork, goldwork and silk shading are her techniques of choice. Her talk will cover her work and how she designs, from the smallest robin to the large Jabberwocky or even Darth Vader. She will explain how she became obsessed with traditional hand embroidery, when it all just started with a bit of cross-stitch.
Read about Loetita's talk on the evening - and view images of some of the work she brought along to show us.
Mon 10th June
“A Stitch in Time” by Elizabeth Bond
This is the story of the restoration of a Victorian altar frontal and the stories and secrets that were revealed along the way.
Read about Elizabeth's talk on the evening - and view images of her altar restoration project and other work.
Mon 8th July
“My Blue Suitcase” by Amanda Clayton
A walk through Amanda’s life until now, looking at how philosophies, visual work and life has been influenced by the world and personalities around her.
Read about Amanda's talk on the evening - and view images of some of the pieces of work that she brought along to show us.
Mon 12th August
“Following the Thread – an Intuitive Approach to Textile Art” by Marilyn Rathbone
A glimpse of Marilyn’s “workings out in the margin” - how she comes up with initial ideas, develops them into finished pieces and the part intuition plays in all this.
Read about Marilyn's talk on the evening - and view photos of some of the pieces of work that she shared with us.
Mon 9th September
“Enchanted Landscapes” by Michala Gyetvai
Michala’s work seeks to capture an emotive and evocative interpretation of nature which is constantly refined throughout the process of making. The passion and freedom encountered in the immediacy of sketching is developed and channelled through paintings, and then consolidated into textile pieces.
Read about Michala's Talk on the evening - and view photos of some of the wonderful work that she brought to show us.
Mon 14th October
AGM and Members Social Evening
Read the Chair's report and view photos of members stitching, gluing and socialising on the evening.
Mon 11th November
“Handspinning and Natural Dyeing” by Gilly Pusey
Gilly will explain the process of spinning wool from fleece to yarn, have different yarns to view, and bring a spinning wheel for a demonstration. She will also explain her method of dyeing with plant dyes.
Note - unfortunately, Gilly was unwell in November, and Deborah Sanders kindly stepped in to give a talk on Tenugui Scarves.
Read about Deborah's talk on the evening and view photos of the scarves and embroidery she brought with her. CETG members attending the talk also chose the winning entry for our Pat Fleming Award in 2019.
Mon 9th December
“Stories in Stitch” by Anne Griffiths
This talk was a change from the one advertised, but was still very interesting! She covered a number of her community projects and projects for children.
Read about Anne's talk on the evening and view photos of the work she brought with her.